Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who am i?

As we all already know, it's always very hard to take the first step into adopting a healthier lifestyle. Many a times, the usual remarks we give are, No time, Very tiring, Very expensive, or Maybe next month. All these reasons, or should i say excuses, can be genuine, but can also be tackled if the right mindset is used.

As the bulk of my clients are pursing healthy fat loss, i design an appropriate training programme to suit their needs as everyone is unique. I will also advise u on recommended dieting plans as the saying goes, "You are what you eat". Results guaranteed, if you watch your food intake, exercise right, exercise regularly and think positive!

What i can do for you, is to act as a catalyst, to boost your efforts in achieving your fitness goal(s). Many a time, we lose track of what we want to achieve, hence giving up. Do not let it happen to you. Give yourself a chance and start exercising, the results are boundless!

It has to begin with YOU.

Fact: the 5 basic components of Physical Fitness are:

  1. Cardiovascular Fitness
  2. Muscular Endurance
  3. Muscular Strength
  4. Flexibility
  5. Body Composition